Which Membership Type Is Right For Me?

We provide several types of membership to include behaviourists at any stage of their career.  Whether you are just starting out with your studies or you have been practising for years – we provide support and guidance for all our membership types.

annual fee

Student membership is open to those who are not practising and are currently in the process of achieving a qualification relevant to animal behaviour at FHEQ Level 4 or above, with the intention of becoming an Animal Behaviour Technician or Clinical Animal Behaviourist.

Please note: the APBC does not support student members seeing behaviour cases. 


annual fee

Provisional membership is open to those who have had their Knowledge and Understanding (theoretical understanding) assessed against the ABTC Standards for ABT or CAB.  This can be demonstrated via the ABTC APEL process or by completing an ABTC recognised course to an appropriate level.  Provisional members are able to conduct behaviour consultations but have not yet achieved the requisite experience to become Full members. 

annual fee

Full membership is open to those who have had both their Knowledge and Understanding (theoretical understanding) and Performance Criteria (practical skills) assessed against the ABTC Standards for ABT or CAB. 


annual fee

Academic membership is open to those who are recognised for their contribution to the field of animal behaviour either through research or their positions within a teaching institution or other relevant organisation. Some Academic members may still see a small number of cases/clients on occasion. 


Do you have a wealth of practical skill and experience in the pet behaviour industry but have not completed an ABTC recognised course to demonstrate your Knowledge and Understanding? If so, your next step will be an APEL assessment. Please consider signing up to our APEL Support Kit (A.S.K.) to help support and guide you through this process on your way to gaining Provisional membership of the APBC. 

Still Not Sure Which Membership Type Applies To You?
Our handy flowchart will help point you in the direction of the next step that is most appropriate for your current situation.