Why Join Us?

We give our members a voice and enable behaviourists to connect, share and solve problems together.  Our membership allows access to focused support groups where members share their knowledge and discuss any issues facing behaviourists, whatever their role or membership type.  Our members meet and gain insight and support from other, like-minded professionals.

Benefits For All Members:

Professional Integrity: Become part of the longest standing behaviour organisation with strong links to the veterinary profession, universities, legal experts and animal welfare organisations. The APBC adheres to the ethical aim and standard of the Animal Behaviour and Training Council (ABTC) for Qualified, Assessed and Regulated professionals.

Discounted CPD Opportunities: Massive discounts on APBC conferences and webinars.  Free access to many members-only webinars and events.

Member Promotion: Exclusive promotion of members via our social media platform.  Opportunities for members to be featured in veterinary and other media publications and platforms.  

Peer Support: Access to assessment advisors, a member only Facebook group and online support sessions for case discussion, business development and moral support.

Wellbeing Support: 24/7 access to an external support service offering free counselling sessions, financial advice, legal information and much more.

Journal Access: FREE access to prominent animal behaviour journals; Anthrozoos, Journal of Veterinary Behaviour and Applied Animal Behaviour Science.

Comprehensive Insurance: Join the collective insurance scheme providing professional indemnity and public liability insurance at a subsidised rate (Full and Provisional members ONLY)

Additional Benefits For Full Members:

Established Professional Credibility: The collective reputation of APBC members is second to none.  Consequently, Full members are frequently called upon by professionals in other fields when the services of a pet behaviour counsellor are required.  This generates further employment in associated areas such as lecturing, writing articles, media opportunities and involvement in court cases.  

Promotion of services: Full members are listed on the APBC website directory and are also eligible to be listed as a registered practitioner on the ABTC website directory.  This makes it easy for members of the public to search for a qualified local practitioner.

Pet Insurance Claims: Many leading pet insurers in the UK allow their policy holders to claim on their insurance for consultations provided by Full members.

Use of the APBC logo: Full members are eligible to utilise the APBC logo and state affiliation with the APBC on letterheads, footnotes and other promotional materials.