Find an APBC Member

Do You Need Help With Your Animal’s Behaviour?

The APBC Offers These Standards of Behaviourist:

Full member CAB

Clinical Animal Behaviourists work with animals that are demonstrating all types of undesirable, inappropriate, problematic or dangerous behaviour on veterinary referral.

Full member VB

Veterinary Behaviourists are Clinical Animal Behaviourists that also have a Veterinary Degree and work with animals that are demonstrating all types of undesirable, inappropriate, problematic or dangerous behaviour on veterinary referral.

Full Member ABT

Animal Behaviour Technicians design and implement programmes to provide preventative and first-aid behavioural advice. ABT’s work with Clinical Animal Behaviourists or Veterinary Behaviourists in the implementation of behaviour modification plans.

What if I cannot find a member in my area, a remote consult with a full member is not possible or the wait is too long?

Please email the office at and request a list of local provisional members. Provisional members all have the required knowledge and understanding and are in the process of gaining the necessary experience to fulfil the required performance criteria to apply for full membership.


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