Child Adoption & Fostering Assessments

As the leading animal behaviour experts in the field, APBC members have been used by a number of agencies to assess animals in the homes of potential adoptive parents or child foster carers. In response to demand, a standard protocol for use in this context has been developed and the APBC provides this service via a network of participating Full members.

The service is designed primarily for dogs but may also be used for other animals, and for other assessment services – for example, schools, legal cases etc.

The assessment process involves:

• A visit to the home lasting around 2 hours.
• A written report to include:
– Owner experience and relationship with the animal(s);
– Exposure to, and behaviour in, various social situations;
– The animal’s training background and any health issues;
– Practical considerations regarding the home environment;
– Temperament and behaviour with members of the household, visitors, general public and children of differing age groups;
• A professional opinion on the risks these animals present to children, particularly those with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
• Advice regarding the introduction of children and animals.

The cost for this service is at the discretion of the individual member providing the service in that area.